By EMY C. BONIFACIO, Samar News.com
July 11, 2011
CATBALOGAN CITY – In a routine visit to the 8th Infantry Division, Philippine Army, ACS General Eduardo SL Oban Jr. has personally congratulated the 8ID family for its outstanding accomplishments for the 1st semester of 2011. The accomplishments were in line with the objectives of the Internal Peace Security Plans-Bayanihan (IPSP Bayanihan).
Based on the over-all performance evaluation conducted by the AFP General Headquarters, two (2) brigades (801st and 803rd) were included in the top 5 list and three (3) Battalions (14IB, 19IB and 34IB) of the “Stormtroopers” were made part of the top 10 list of performing units of the Philippine Army. It has recorded 36 encounters, 46 firearms recovered and 22 enemies neutralized.
Gen. Oban commended MGen Mario Chan for his strong leadership. He cited Chan’s concretely-planned and critically-analysed strategies that paved way to the 8ID’s successes. Jokingly, Gen. Oban said that they both belonged to the “Plans Family” because they never stopped planning.
“The IPSP will be largely dependent upon the Commander’s imagination, creativity and appreciation of the environment and strategic aspects in the implementation of his campaign plans”, Oban disclosed.
Furthermore, he appreciated the efforts of the 8ID leadership for its successful engagements with the non-military sectors such as the non-government organizations, people’s organizations, church and the academe.
“Each and every member of the society should be with us because we only have one dream – to have a lasting peace. We saw this in all the efforts shown by the 8ID under the leadership of Gen. Chan. We should encourage our stakeholders and plan on how to invite them to participate and get the support of the other sectors. This was achieved by the General. He has good relations with the LGUs. They are important because they are the ones who will implement the delivery of the basic services and projects. This is the challenge for all commanders. Our only role is to catalyze the stakeholders towards the road going to the attainment of our objectives” Oban stressed.
“Let’s commend the 8ID for the direction towards road networks development and the implementation of projects under PAMANA of our government. We have played a very important role in the first quarter. Let’s sustain the efforts” was Gen. Oban’s continuing challenge to the officers and men present.
On the other hand, MGen Chan commits to pursue his development agenda for Samar in response to the public-private partnerships that are being encouraged under the IPSP Bayanihan. The General has been repeatedly heard talking about the military’s vital role and participation in the implementation of the proposed road infrastructures that would interconnect the tri-boundaries of Samar.
In a latest report, ground breaking activity preparations for the Gandara-Matuguinao Road Project are now being facilitated. Chan disclosed that coordination meetings have already been made with the DPWH, the Department of National Defense and the military’s Engineering Units and the Local chief Executives for its immediate implementation. He expects the road to be passable by the end of September 2011.
Chan is not all bothered by reports that his leadership at the 8ID is presently being challenged by a group’s petition to unseat him due to unconfirmed reports or allegations of being involved in political partisanship. He strongly denies the allegations and asserts on the non-partisan status of his position.
“Decision like this is political in nature that is dictated by the incumbent leadership. The AFP will just abide by it. If I will be ordered to move out of the 8ID, I have to obey because I am a soldier in the first place. I am ready for it, to accept whatever decision. Meantime, I will just do what I can do while I’m here. I assure everyone that I have been fair in my dealings with everybody and I will continue my commitment to change Samar Island and make it one of the best tourists’ destination,” was the General’s ready answer.
Chan is confident that he has the support of the multi-sectoral groups who also dream of developing Samar. The recently held Samar Island Partnership for Peace and Development (SIPPAD) assembly attended by the three (3) Bishops of the Samar islands and representatives of the civil society groups, expressed an all-out support to Chan’s clear direction in ensuring the peace and development of the area. Specifically, he stressed the urgency of interconnecting the three islands thru the road networks. This, according to him, will be the road that would end the war against poverty and would uplift the lives of the people.
Gen. Oban furthermore believes that the 8ID’s outstanding performance and the good feedbacks that he’s gathered from all other sectors would be enough to keep Gen. Chan in command until he completes the implementation of his plans and programs that would serve the interests of the majority in his area of responsibility.
In a related story, the AFP Chief of Staff also took the opportunity of disseminating the various programs that would boost the morale and welfare of the troops. He announced the availability of 10 thousand housing units for the AFP and another 10 thousand units for the PNP. The continuity of the Pension Plans Benefits was assured and the proposed reforms or changes will be made effective for the newcomers only.
With reference to the suggested reforms during his assumption speech, Gen. Oban informed that the commissary services have already been improved, thereby making available supplies for their daily needs at reasonable prices. This was intended to increase the purchasing power of the soldiers.
Likewise, he is decisive in pushing reforms on logistics and financial management. He recalled how the AFP Fund Scam affected every soldier and their families when the AFP was tagged as the most corrupt agency in the government.
“It became a challenge to show the people that we are a model of good governance – make the organization stronger and transparent in all our actions. I will leave footprints behind with things that I expect to happen within the year. And I will also leave a blueprint that will serve as guide for our future leadership to push for financial reforms” was how Oban concretized the challenge to fight corruption in the AFP.
“Reforms cannot be done overnight. Slowly, we see the weaknesses and continuous improvement happens. We are focused on an 18 point action plan to include reforms on logistics, management, training and personnel. This will be implemented in my incumbency. We will leave blueprints. Until now, slowly, we are creating public trust and confidence. Actually, we have also been receiving expressions of support and encouragement for us to continue the challenge” explains Gen Oban as he suggests for the revisiting of the AFP organizational structure and system.
The soldiers were once again reminded to strictly abide with the provisions of the Human Rights, International Humanitarian Law and the rule of law. Oban proudly disclosed that since his assumption, there were no human rights violations received in the newly created AFP Human Rights Office.
“Hopefully, it will continue and become part of the culture of the AFP to become agents of human security”, Oban said.
“I don’t want half-baked or half-cooked reforms for the soldiers. We belong to the Plans Family. Kaya puro plano kami. Kailanangang planuhin namin yan para alam namin pagdating sa dulo kung hanggang saan lang tayo at kung hanggang saan ang ipagpapatuloy ng papalit sa akin. Ganyang klase ang gusto nating approach. Ayoko yung i-coconcentrate natin para masabing tinapos ko yan. Half cooked. Process properly. Kung aabot hanggang December, we leave a blue print for their continuous implementation. We also have a mechanism for feedback para continuous ang improvement and enhancement” were Gen. Oban’s final statements.