The activity was initiated by the Samar Provincial Hospital led by Dra. Dulce Cernal, Provincial Health Officer II. It was successfully done through motorcade in the area of Catbalogan City. Different agencies were also present to witness the launching of this activity. Dra. Cernal expressed her heartfelt gratitude for the participation of the soldiers and for the successful launching. Meanwhile, Ms. Norma Yangson, the Program Coordinator, discussed the prevention and control of Filariasis.
Department of Health in Eastern Visayas stated that Filariasis is a parasitic disease caused by small worms called as Wucheria bancrofti and Brugia malayi. This can be transferred to a person through bites of mosquitoes found at leaves of banana, abaka, gaway and pandan.
As Bayanihan continues, the 8ID and other stakeholders keep on doing their part to help the province of Samar to be more productive and aware of whatever diseases may take place in the region.###
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